Little Robots

Workshop given by Mónica Rikić and Joana Moll

Digital technologies are present in every aspect of our lives. In this context, it is imperative that new generations are not only consumers but also producers, processors and critics. Combining technology with traditional crafts and working in a creative and participatory way children will not only understand the structure hidden behind the everyday digital tools but also will become small active agents in the digital world.

In this workshop, we create our own toys using recycled materials and programs to make them into little robots. Combining the use of “open source” platforms with crafts, we understand the importance of recycling materials and learn programming basics and electronics concepts in a fun and creative.

Given at:
– DEMO, Disseny Hub, Barcelona
– Ingràvid Festival, Figueres.
– Ingràvid Festival at Ars Santa Mònica, Barcelona.
– Festival Art Roulotte, Vic.